People Skills for Success

Posted on December 15th, 2013

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How improving your “likeability” cannot only make others feel good, but can also boost your own career.


Many professionals assume that having extensive experience and advanced technical skills are the only things that matter when it comes to career progression. Well, it turns out that while technical competency is crucial to your professional success, it’s highly essential that you also have great people skills or what is called “likeability”. People skills are described as your ability to monitor thoughts and speech, empathize with others and build relationships of trust and respect in your daily interactions.

While having a “likable” personality depends on the nature of your character, you can work on your people skills to enjoy better relationships at work. Akhtaboot highlights the top people skills that will help you create satisfying and productive interaction in the workplace.

The Ability to Relate to Others

One of the top factors of a success in a future job is your ability to relate to others and their personal viewpoints. It simply means that you are willing to agree or disagree with mutual respects; letting them know you understand their position. If you have this ability, you are likely to have a lot of friends and therefore will also have a wide network of communication.

The Ability to Trust Others

You can’t speedup your career if you aren’t able to depend on and put your trust in other people. Without trust, you can’t get projects done or get others to cooperate. Mistrust cultivates doubt, low productivity, lost sales, and high turnover. Keep in mind that it takes time to build and it also requires effort and diligence to maintain

The Ability to Show Empathy

Having the ability to place yourself in someone else’s shoes is a key people skill. It allows us to build meaningful relationships with others, provides insight into what others maybe feeling or thinking and how or why others are reacting to situations. In brief, it sharpens your “people intelligence” and it backs up our decision.

Expressing Genuine Interest in Others

People can sense if you are genuinely interested in them. Showing interest in someone’s ability, background, stories, hobbies, career, family, or anything else makes that person feel connected to you. Make your greeting standout, remember people’s names and listen with interest in order to give them a sense of importance, well-being an value.

Active Listening Skills

Hearing someone talk and actively listening to them are two different things. During discussions, most people tend to phase out and start to form a response in their mind and interrupt the flow before they finish what they are saying. The key is to actively listen, which takes more time but produces better outcomes. Allow others to vent and then take the time to form a response. It sure needs some practice, but it pays off.

A Great Sense for Humor

We all have tendency to sometimes take ourselves way too seriously at work. However, injecting some well-placed, light humor into a business situation can enhance your career and also your likability. Humor creates a cheerful atmosphere that encourages interaction and brain-storming of new ideas. In general, funny people are usually easy to approach, so the more approachable you are, especially as a leader, the more authentic and open people around you will be.
