Windows Command-Line in Sinhala

Learn Windows Command-Line in Sinhala

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Learn Windows Command-line (CMD) in Sinhala. In this lesson you will learn 22+ important and most essential commands.

Table of Contents
00:00 - Intro
01:00 - How to open Windows Command-lind (CMD)
01:30 - Command prompt
02:12 - Exit from command-line: exit Command
02:39 - View/Change Date: date Command
02:55 - View/Change Time: time Command
03:02 - View Windows Version: ver Command
03:10 - Check System Infomration: systeminfo Command
03:28 - Clear Screen: cls Command
03:38 - List Directories/Folders: dir Command
04:22 - Change/View Directory/Folder: cd Command
05:03 - Change Drive
05:24 - Create a Folder: mkdir Command
05:50 - Remove a Folder: rmdir Command
06:05 - Exercise - Create a Folder Structure
09:00 - View folder Tree Structure - tree Command
09:40 - Stop a running command - Ctrl+C 
09:52 - Change more than one Directory/Folder 
10:27 - Create a File - copy con Command
11:15 - Copy a file: copy Command
11:54 - Rename a file: ren Command
12:22 - Delete a file: del Command
12:44 - Hide/Unhide a file: attrib Command
13:20 - View help for a command: /?
14:58 - View content of a file: type Command
15:10 - Move a file: move Command
16:25 - Search for a file: dir Command
17:08 - Wildcards
20:39 - Remove non-empty Folder: rm /s Command
21:31 - List tasks: tasklist Command
21:53 - Kill a task: taskkill Command
23:10 - View previous commands
23:25 - Change command-line colors: color Command
24:04 - Automate tasks with Batch files
26:07 - Shutdown your computer

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